Roller Rink Death Kink Sex Cult (LaMama Theater)
Quick Change (Short N’ Sweet Hollywood)
Love’s Labour’s Lost (NY)
Silence the court is in session (NJ Performing Arts Center)
Amigos con Derechos (LA)
Matilde & Lula (Short N’ Sweet Hollywood & Sydney AU)
Mi Angel, mi diablo y mi razón (LA)
Jacky and The Horrible Family (Koalako Company Paris, FR)
Alice au pays de merveilles (Paris, FR)
Mamma Mia (Vanina Mareschal, Paris FR)
Punto y Aparte (Teatro Lucerna, MEX)
Cero No Ser (MEX)
El Peatón del Aire (CENART, MEX)
Un Propósito claro (Teatro Lucerna, MEX)
El Burlador de Sevilla (El Paso, TX)
Commedia Dell’Arte Dossier (Paul Satgel, Paris FR)
Mother’s Home (Amazon Prime)
Soledad (Jenn Page)
Indigo Valley (Jaclyn Bethany)
Tóxico (Los Otros Humanos, MEX)
Ghost Written (LA)
Mary (AFI, LA)
Cinematastrophe (NYU)
Demonoid 1971 (MEX).
David Gideon The Acting Class
Tom Todoroff Conservatory NYC
Fantasy/Sci-fi Pamela Kramer
Action Workshop-Casting MEXICO
Tom Todoroff Acting Studio- Intensive NYC
Joseph Perlman LA, Second City LA, Ivana Chubbuck LA
Commedia Dell’Arte PARIS
Musical Theater PARIS
Jeanette O’Connor LA
Master Drama Therapy & Conflict Management PARIS
Drama & Theater Major MEXICO
Hispanic Theater Teacher PARIS.
Great personality, Improvisation, Writer and Poet, Singing, Zumba, Hiking, Swimming, rollerblading, Bicycle, Fluent Spanish & French, Conversational Danish, German, Scottish Gaelic & Italian, Accents: British LN, Scottish, French FR/QC, Spanish from Spain, Mexico, Neutral Latino, Cuban and Salvadorian. U.S legal resident & Licensed manual driver.A valid passport and fully vaccinated.